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- 03/11/2009, 11:38 #1
Miembro del foro
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Calculo de inversores con los optimizadores de potencia, tipo SOLAR-MAGIC
Tengo una duda, en una instalación de 5kw, hay algún problema de sombras parciales producidas por arboles a partir de octubre.
Hemos pensado en montar los paneles con optimizadores de potencia tipo SOLAR MAGIC SM1230, pero no sé como afectaran al funcionamiento del inversor.
Tenemos pensado instalar el 5000TL con dos string.
Si no me equivoco de los optimizadores saldrá una tensión constante de 43 Vdc y no sé cual será el comportamiento del inversor, ni como simular su comportamiento con el SUNNY DESIGN.
- 04/11/2009, 11:02 #2
Respuesta: Calculo de inversores con los optimizadores de potencia, tipo SOLAR-MAGIC
Hola Edusol,
el inversor rastrea la curva de los módulos y analiza la potencia obtenida en cada momento, para situarse en el punto óptimo. Es un proceso dinámico, ya que la curva de los módulos depende de la temperatura de los mismos y de la radiación.
No he podido encontrar exactamente cómo funciona el producto de Solar Magic y su comprtamiento ante diferentes condiciones, si tienes alguna información adicional sobre el producto te agradecería que me la pasaras, ya sea por mensaje privado o directamente en el foro.
De todos modos ya hemos lanzado la consulta pertinente a desarrollo para ver si se conoce algo más sobre el tema. A la que tengamos información adicional lo comunicamos en este foro.
Saludos cordiales,
Raül Aliana
Servicio Técnico SMA Ibérica
- 06/11/2009, 20:44 #3
Miembro del foro
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Respuesta: Calculo de inversores con los optimizadores de potencia, tipo SOLAR-MAGIC
Gracias por tu respuesta.
En principio los solar-magic son para evitar los efectos de las sombras en las series de paneles, funcionan como convertidores DC/DC y se instalan a la salida de cada panel.
Supongo que de alguna manera unificaran las intensidades en la serie, por eso dudo si no anularan la busqueda dinamica del MPP que hacen los inversores.
Intento subir un pdf con las caracteristicas técnicas, pero excede el tamaño.
No sé si se puede poner la página en la que se pueden ver las caracteristicas técnicas SolarMagic Power Optimizers, Blocking Diodes, & Monitoring Systems Maximize Solar PV Panel Energy.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I order SolarMagic Power Optimizers?
How does solar power work?
How much light does a solar panel need to work?
What is Insolation?
How efficient are solar panels?
What are the real-world conditions that affect the performance of a solar array?
What is MPP (maximum power point)?
What is the difference between SolarMagic power optimizers and microinverters?
How do I order SolarMagic Power Optimizers?
Contact us to find a SolarMagic Power Optimizer dealer/installer near you.
How does solar power work?
Solar power is possible through something called the photovoltaic effect. This effect takes place in solar cells when sun hits them, creating electricity.
Solar cells consist of a conductive front grid, semiconductor material, and a conductive backplate. When light hits the front of a solar cell, light particles, called photons, travel through the semiconductor material. Electrons in the semiconductor material are given enough energy by the photons to move through the semiconductor and collect along one side. Since electrons are negatively charged, the area they move to becomes more negative, and the area they leave becomes more positive. This produces a potential difference (or voltage difference) between one side of the cell and the other – just like the potential difference in a battery – enabling the cell to produce electricity.
A solar panel, or module, consists of multiple solar cells placed in series – the potential of each cell adds to the available output voltage and current of the entire panel. In the same manner, an underperforming cell in the panel detracts from the output voltage and current of the entire panel.
Solar modules are then placed in series strings. A solar array is made up of some number of strings determined by the required output power of the array and the inverter voltage range.
How much light does a solar panel need to work?
The amount of direct current (DC) power a solar panel produces depends upon the amount of irradiance. Irradiance refers to the amount of power the sun provides per area of the solar panel (See “What is insolation?”). Under ideal conditions, the sun provides around 1000 Watt hours per square meter. As real-world conditions, like shade and aging, come into play, this number can significantly decrease, reducing the effectiveness of a solar array.
What is Insolation?
Insolation is a measure of (solar) radiation on a particular surface or area, and is expressed in W/m2. In other words, it can be a measure of how strong the sun is in a particular geographic area. Insolation is strongest when the angle of incidence (of the sunlight) to the panel is 90 degrees. Insolation becomes lower with decreasing angle of incidence – this is because the light rays are spread across a wider area and are more diffuse. Less radiation is incident on the panel per square meter, meaning less power will be produced. Insolation is also called irradiance.
How efficient are solar panels?
The efficiency of a solar panel depends upon the technology used to manufacture the panel. The energy conversion efficiency (sunlight to DC energy) of photovoltaic (PV) cells in production today range from about six percent for a thin layer cell made of amorphous silicon to 23 percent for high-quality single-crystal silicon cells. Some very special manufacturing techniques have produced cells in the high 30 percent range. Today’s typical single crystal silicon cells usually average around 14 percent, thereby giving module efficiencies of 11 to 12 percent.
What are the real-world conditions that affect the performance of a solar array?
Several things occur in the real world that can impair the performance of a solar array. Some alter the intrinsic performance characteristics of the panels; others cause panel mismatch. Below, questions about some of these real-world conditions are answered.
What does temperature do to panel performance?
Solar panels become less efficient and produce less power as temperature increases. A significant drop-off in performance is seen at between 40 and 50 degrees C.
Why is panel mismatch a big deal?
Traditional solar arrays comprise one or more strings of solar modules. Because the panels in the strings are series connected, the performance of the entire string is limited by the worst performing panel in the string. This behooves system designers to ensure each panel’s performance is as close to its neighbors’ as possible, and to maximize the design’s efficiency.
If a mismatch causes one panel in the string to underperform other panels, the entire string’s performance is degraded. If a mismatch causes a panel to outperform other panels, the benefits of that performance cannot be gleaned by the system.
What is MPP (maximum power point)?
Solar arrays are designed to produce power. Power, measured in Watts, can be calculated by multiplying voltage by current. At any given moment, there is a point in a panel’s characteristic curve that will give the maximum possible output power. This is the maximum power point.
What is the difference between SolarMagic power optimizers and microinverters?
Solar arrays produce DC power that must be converted into AC (alternating current) power. A traditional array will have one large inverter to do the job. SolarMagic power optimizers operate in the DC domain, prior to the system’s inverter. Microinverters convert DC power to AC power at the panel. SolarMagic power optimizers provide flexibility in both existing and future installations.
When retrofitting existing installations, SolarMagic power optimizers are simple to install – no rewiring or redesign is required. Simply de-energize the system, mount and plug in the SolarMagic power optimizers using existing wiring, and re-energize! Microinverters require system redesign and rewiring in retrofits – making the retrofit far more time consuming and costly.
SolarMagic power optimizers provide flexibility in newly designed and built systems. Effects of real-world conditions are easy to design for, using SolarMagic power optimizers. Where once a chimney might present a significant challenge in designing an effective solar array for a customer, SolarMagic power optimizers provide an easy solution. Trees that once precluded a solar array installation – or required lopping – can now live in harmony with an effective solar array with SolarMagic power optimizers.
And while microinverters must be used on every panel in an array, only strings impacted by real world conditions require SolarMagic power optimizers.
- 06/11/2009, 20:46 #4
Miembro del foro
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Respuesta: Calculo de inversores con los optimizadores de potencia, tipo SOLAR-MAGIC
Disculpar la subida, al intentar subir el enlace por poco se sube el ordenador entero.
- 06/11/2009, 20:47 #5
Miembro del foro
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Respuesta: Calculo de inversores con los optimizadores de potencia, tipo SOLAR-MAGIC
- 13/11/2009, 12:35 #6
Respuesta: Calculo de inversores con los optimizadores de potencia, tipo SOLAR-MAGIC
Hola Edusol,
aún no tenemos respuesta del fabricante de SolarMagic. No sé si en la salida se va a poder realizar o no el seguimiento MPP, que ya se hace previamente.
Por otro lado, ellos dicen que la tensión es constante. Pero no sé si esa tensión constante depende de la temperatura y la radiación (con lo cual deja de ser constante, no sé si me explico).
Sea como fuere, el seguimiento MPP del inversor puede desactivarse y trabajar a tensión constante.
Lamento no poder confirmarte nada, seguimos en ello.
Saludos cordiales,
Raül Aliana
Servicio Técnico SMA Ibérica
- 13/11/2009, 18:18 #7
Miembro del foro
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Respuesta: Calculo de inversores con los optimizadores de potencia, tipo SOLAR-MAGIC
Muchas gracias Raul,
Espero tus noticias, cuando contesten de Solar Magic.
- 25/11/2009, 19:08 #8
Respuesta: Calculo de inversores con los optimizadores de potencia, tipo SOLAR-MAGIC
finalmente hemos podido contactar con el Servicio Técnico de SolarMagic. El funcionamiento, para que nos hagamos una idea, es el siguiente: el SolarMagic realiza un seguimiento del punto de máxima potencia de manera mucho más rápida que los inversores. Luego su tensión de salida (que es la tensión de entrada al inversor) es variable, y el inversor se encarga de encontrar el punto óptimo de funcionamiento para el conjunto de módulos más SolarMagic.
Por tanto, los dos productos son compatibles, siempre en base a la información que nos han pasado. Eso sí, no nos hacemos resposables del rendmiento global del sistema.
Saludos cordiales,
Raül Aliana
Servicio Técnico SMA Ibérica
- 25/11/2009, 21:18 #9
Miembro del foro
- Fecha de ingreso
- oct 2008
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- España
- Mensajes
- 12
Respuesta: Calculo de inversores con los optimizadores de potencia, tipo SOLAR-MAGIC
Muchas gracias Raul.