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  1. #1
    RUGERO está desconectado Forero
    Fecha de ingreso
    nov 2008

    Predeterminado Fire Fighter Safety and Emergency Response for Solar Power Systems – Final Report

    Respetados Miembros del Foro:

    Gran saludo.

    Comparto esta informacion importante de la NFPA especifica para los sistemas FV.

    NFPA :: Research :: Fire Protection Research Foundation :: Reports and proceedings

    Fire Fighter Safety and Emergency Response for Electric Drive and Hybrid Electric Vehicles – Final Report
    Today's emergency responders are being challenged to deal with the hazards of certain proliferating uses of alternative energy, i.e., renewable power sources that are being used in place of conventional fuels such as petroleum and other fossil fuels. Among these alternative energy uses are motor vehicles that utilize electric drive propulsion systems. This study focuses on electric drive and hybrid electric vehicles intended for roadway passenger use, and involving fire and/or rescue emergency situations either on the roadway or at charging/docking stations (e.g., garages). The goal of this project has been to assemble and widely disseminate core principle and best practice information for fire fighters, fire ground incident commanders, and other emergency first responders to assist in their decision making process at emergencies involving electric drive and hybrid electric vehicles. Methods used include collecting information and data from a wide range of credible sources, along with a one-day workshop of applicable subject matter experts that have provided their review and evaluation on the topic.
    All visitors: Download this report. (PDF, 4 MB)


  2. #2
    Avatar de Photon
    Photon está desconectado Moderador
    Fecha de ingreso
    jul 2006
    Entradas de blog

    Predeterminado Respuesta: Fire Fighter Safety and Emergency Response for Solar Power Systems – Final Report

    Es largito el documento, pero no es muy de solar que se diga, lo pongo en off topic.

  3. #3
    RUGERO está desconectado Forero
    Fecha de ingreso
    nov 2008

    Predeterminado Respuesta: Fire Fighter Safety and Emergency Response for Solar Power Systems – Final Report

    Respetado Photon:

    Gran saludo.

    De acuerdo con tu apreciacion, pero considero que es cultura tecnica de la FV.


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